Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May meeting reminder


This is just a friendly reminder that our May Council meeting will be held tomorrow, Wednesday the 14th, starting at 7:30pm. The bar will be open at the regular 7:00pm time and will close at 7:20pm so we can begin our meeting promptly at 7:30pm. Once we finish our meeting the bar will reopened for refreshments.

A few Other Reminders:

1 - Membership Dues for the Calendar Year 2014 are due. Dues for all Council members are as follows:
Associate Members - $50.00
Associate Members aged 65 or older on January 1st (who are not Honorary or Life Members) - $25.00
Honorary Members - $10.00 (as defined by Supreme)
Honorary Life members - $0.00 (as defined by Supreme)

For those of you attending the meeting it would be greatly appreciated if you would consider paying your dues at this meeting. I will have your membership cards with me so please see me after the meeting to pick up your 2014 card.

2 - We need to talk about the upcoming Memorial Day Parade and Town Carnival. If we are going to participate in both of these events we need members willing to help out.

3 - The Officer Slate for the 2014/2015 Columbian Year will be presented by our Trustees.

I hope to see everyone in attendance this week.

Yours in Christ,

Frank Di Pentima
Grand Knight
Ramapo Valley Council 5846